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| Flotilla Eyewitness Speaks "[Deportation at the airport] We saw the injured [Turkish] men going through.. a lot had a leg cut out of their trousers or an arm cut out of their top. It had been cut out to treat their wounds.. they were covered in blood, blood that had been there for three days, and some of them had wounds that were still bleeding.. What upset me most was seeing the dozen men, one after another, hobbling across the terminal, with a bandaged foot. I couldn't ask them why so many of them had a bandaged foot, I couldn't ask them what had happened, because if they spoke or if any of us spoke to them the Israelis beat the injured person.. We later found out that they had these injuries on the tops of their feet from when the troops came down from the helicopter on the Mavi Marmara, and they came down firing - they had been shot from above. Some of the men that were killed were shot at close range - head and chest, but a dozen of the men who were shot, among 59 people who were shot, they were shot at the tops of their feet - the bullets were coming down.. They weren't given a wheelchair or a pair of crutches, and if any of the other passengers stood up and tried to offer [help].. that person was dragged away and smacked by these Israelis. The Israeli soldiers sat on the floor, laughed and sniggered and made every one of these Turkish men hobble and hop all the way across, some 200 metres, everyone of them, one by one, made to do that purely for the sick amusement of the Israeli soldiers." Survivor of the flotilla massacre speaks candidly of her experience Ratstar Centre London, 22 July 2010 [46min / 42Mb] [need flash]

| | Enough - End the Israeli Occupation "Don't tell us what to accept and what not to accept. Don't teach us what is our right, and what is not our right. For my mother’s house, is my mother’s house. It can never become a zionist place. What is wrong is Israel, you have to tell the truth, what is this nonsense about accepting a racist entity that considers us sub-human, whilst they see themselves as super-human. Don't ever be tempted to tell a lady who has jut been raped that it was okay for her to be raped. And my people have been raped, and rape cannot be accepted, the whole of Palestine will be free - from the sea to the river, from the north to the south, and the refugees will return, and I will go back to my mother’s house. If I don't, I assure you my children will, my grandchildren will. One day we shall return!" Palestinian academic Enough Occupation Rally, June 2007 [5min / 3Mb] [need flash]

| | Tightening the noose around Gaza "This issue of recognition [of Israel] is naive and is childish. You see for the Palestinians its impossible to recognise that what happened to them in 1948 was legitimate, was right. We were dispossessed, the Jews came from Europe to solve their own problem in Europe and to solve the European problem at the expense of the Palestinians. My mother was dispossessed of her home, my father of his land, and millions of Palestinians suffered the same fate. How can it be right? We cannot recognise that as being legitimate." Palestinian Academic BBC Hardtalk, Jan 2008 [24min / 11Mb] [need flash]

| | Islamic Human Rights Commission - 10 Years "In 1999 a survey that IHRC conducted found that 35% of Muslim respondents had encountered some form of discrimination, in 2000 this had risen to 45% and after 9-11 in the year 2004 it was a staggering 80%.." Islamic Human Rights Commission Islamic Human Rights Commission 10th Anniv. Nov 2007 [9min / 4Mb] [need flash]

| | Weather Underground - Interview "You cannot simplify the question of violence.. You look at human history - the American revolution, the civil war, the end of slavery in the United States, the African National Congress, the end of colonialism - by and large these were some combination of popular social uprisings and social movements and non-violent protests AND armed resistance. Now that doesn't mean I'm advocating for any armed action today, I'm not. I'm committed to finding ways of acting and speaking and making people laugh and doing art and disrupting the war machine in other ways, but I think focusing on violence when we have the comfort of being protected by mass of armed violence is not non-violence at all.. if you are pointing to the mass of violence and who's doing the mass of violence in the world today, you have to look to state violence - that's people bombing whole cities from the air.. " A founder of the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group that waged war against the US government in the 70s in response to the Vietnam War. Interview, Radio Neatherlands (TSWI) 30 June 2007 [12min / 6Mb] [need flash]

| | Sing a Battle Song Bernardine Dohrn, a former leader of the 1960’s and 1970’s revolutionary anti-war group the Weathermen, reading poetry by women of that group — on International Women’s Day in 1975. She reads from a book she co-edited in 1975 (with Ed Ayers and Jeff Jones), Sing a Battle Song: The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements, and Communiques of the Weather Underground 1970 - 1974. A founder of the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group that waged war against the US government in the 70s in response to the Vietnam War. Poetry read from her book 'Sing a Battle Song: The Revolutionary Poetry, Statements, and Communiques of the Weather Underground' (1975) [6Min / 4Mb] [need flash]

| | Weather Underground meets Smash EDO "The United States is 4.6% of the worlds people but still controls 50% of the worlds wealth and has a military that spends more than every other country in the world combined. I see this moment, as a moment that is very dangerous.. which is to say that the United States is a declining world economic power, similarly a declining political power, but what isn't declining is the military power. As you know from the 20th century that's a dangerous combination - a declining economic and political power but an overwhelmingly dominant military power. I think the national security state that we've seen organised since 9-11 in an unbelievably rapid way, which owes in no small part to Israel I must say, is a particular [example]." A founding member of the Weather Underground Meeting with members of 'Smash EDO' in Tel Aviv, April 2010 [88min / 40Mb] [need flash]

| | Enough - End the Israeli Occupation "There is a thing called the EU-Israel Association Agreement. That agreement means that Israeli goods get preferential access to EU markets, and that agreement has a human rights clause, and that human rights clause says that in the event of human rights abuses on either side the agreement shall be suspended. So our question to our government today should be this - how many human rights abuses do you need? How many women dying in child birth, because they can't pass the checkpoints through the Israeli authorities, do you need?" Member of European Parliament (Green Party) Enough Occupation Rally, June 2007 [4min / 2Mb] [need flash]

| | Islamic Human Rights Commission - 10 Years "In the eyes of my lawyers I was kidnapped, and disappeared from life to reappear [3 years later] in a wheelchair with three ribs broken and needed badly 20 bottles of blood to survive.. In a room 6 feet by 9 feet they put me under their feet with my hands handcuffed at the back, naked - completely. 15 officers of the police were there, and they made my body black with blood. they tried to extract a false confession from me.. 5 times I fell unconscious, and I was bleeding by the nose and by the mouth. No one knew where I was, yet the Almighty he knew, and he expressed his assistance in the form of this commission [the IHRC].." Prisoner of Faith Islamic Human Rights Commission 10th Anniv. Nov 2007 [21min / 9Mb] [need flash]

| | Al Quds Day 2006 "Al-Quds is not the responsibility of the Palestinian people only - they are only the guardians of Al-Quds - but we are the owners. Al-Quds belongs to the Muslims and it has to be defended by the Muslims wherever they are!" Muslim Council of Britain Al Quds Day 2006, London [5min / 2Mb] [need flash]

| | End the occupation of Iraq "What should I do when my daughter, just 20 months old, calls for her father? Am I supposed to tell her that the people who killed her father were never brought to justice and were probably awarded military honours for their performance during war? .. I will raise her never to forgive or forget. Never to forget her father and never to forgive those who killed him." wife of al-Jazeera journalist Tareq Ayyoub, murdered by US troops End the Occupation rally Sept 2003 [9min / 8Mb] [need flash]

| | Enough - End the Israeli Occupation "I went to the Palestinian village, and I saw there were houses, they were being pulled down because there weren’t any permits for the Palestinian homes. And through the rubble and through all the dust I could see [the illegal israeli settlement of] Har Homa shinning in the distance with its permission for another 1000 units." Member of Parliament Enough Occupation Rally, June 2007 [4min / 2Mb] [need flash]

| | Islamic Human Rights Commission - 10 Years "Samina Malik, the first woman to be convicted under the terrorism act. Now what was Samina guilty of? Did she blow anything up? No. Was she caught by the police with a big cache of explosives? No. Was she caught tying a suicide belt around her waist? No. So what did Samina do? She wrote some poetry.. Now you contrast this with another case about 6-7 months ago of some former members of the BNP - that white fascist supremesist organization - Robert Cottage and David Jackson both who were caught with the biggest cache of explosives in the West Yorkshire region with notes about assassinating Tony Blair and talking about blowing up Mosques around the UK with plans and blue-prints for those Mosques. They weren't even charged under the Terrorism Act!" Islamic Human Rights Commission Islamic Human Rights Commission 10th Anniv. Nov 2007 [13min / 6Mb] [need flash]

| | Al Quds Day 2006 "Its a joy for me to see so many young people that have picked up that flag - I see in front of me waving, a flag of the resistance movement in Lebanon - Hizbullah, led by Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah - Nasrallah Habib Allah - who showed that it is possible to defeat this terrorist enemy if you have the courage to stand up and confront them!" Member of Parliament (Respect Party) Al Quds Day 2006, London [11min / 5Mb] [need flash]

| | Islamic Human Rights Commission - 10 Years "More than 1000 Muslims have been arrested in Britain since 9-11 under the various terrorism acts. Less than 1 in 10 of them were ever brought to trial, and less than 1 in 10 of those were ever convicted, and most of those were convicted of other offences other than terrorism, and yet in the queens speech last week they announced yet another terrorism bill.." Member of Parliament (Respect Party) Islamic Human Rights Commission 10th Anniv. Nov 2007 [15min / 7Mb] [need flash]

| | Palestine in Ramadan During the holy month of Ramadan, as we move towards the Eid, I was going around Muslim shops in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere telling them that although they had collection boxes for the Mosque, although they had religious imagery in their shops, although they were selling dates to the faithful people to break their fast - the dates were made in Israel! They were stained with the blood of the Palestinian people! And Muslim shop keepers were selling them! Respect MP for Tower Hamlets Respect Youth Tower Hamlets, Feb 2008 [21min / 11Mb] [need flash]

| | Viva Palestina - US Tour "Everywhere we went (in Gaza) the same question was on every body's lips - 'You are here but where are the Arabs?' One little girl said to me 'where is this Arab world that they teach us about in school? Where is this Ummah that they talk to us about on Fridays? Why did they leave us alone?'. That's what she said to me, with tears in her eyes 'why did they leave us alone?' I had to turn my face away from her when she said it, and I'm not an Arab, I had to turn away.. I couldn't face her in the face of such a question.." Leader of Viva Palestina aid convoy to Gaza US tour hosted by Al-Awda, April 2009 [71min / 56Mb] [need flash]

| | Talk to students at Islamic School "[In Islam] for every right that you have, you also have an obligation. You have a right to education, but once you are educated you are under an obligation to educate others whether you get payed or not. You have a right to self-defense, once you are capable of defending yourself, then you must defend the defenseless.. and I'm thinking of our brothers and sisters all over the world, especially occupied Palestine.." Veteran of the armed struggle against apartheid in South Africa Talk to students, Islamic School London 2007 [43min / 17Mb] [need flash]

| | Islamic Human Rights Commission - 10 Years "Prisoners of Faith and the faith of prisoners rotates around three important concepts. One is subber or patience, the second one is sacrifice because one cannot have patience if you are not prepared to sacrifice, and thirdly the concept of shahadah or martyrdom because if we have not been taught how to face failure then our lives become difficult, if we have not been taught how to face suffering our lives become even more difficult, and if we are not taught how to face death our lives are utterly miserable when it happens to us or to those close us.." Veteran of the armed struggle against apartheid in South Africa, he was one of the youngest people to be imprisoned on Robben Island. Islamic Human Rights Commission 10th Anniv. Nov 2007 [19min / 8Mb] [need flash]

| | Islamic Human Rights Commission - 10 Years "If there is an issue pertaining to lets say the Muslims in Arabia and the BBC or CNN want an informed opinion of lets say an uprising in Mecca - who will they get to speak about it? Now if you don't know that, there is a lot of emptiness in your train of thought. They will inevitably bring you some so called 'scholar' who is, when you look in to that persons background, a committed zionist and he is speaking about an Islamic issue! And we can go down the road like this, and have to submit after it all that we have, the world has, a zionist problem." Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, talking about the zionist factor in islamophobia Islamic Human Rights Commission 10th Anniv. Nov 2007 [16min / 7Mb] [need flash]

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