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[Other] BREAKING NEWS - Heba Labadi's Health Deteriorating Rapidly Whilst ICRC Ignores Her
inminds 1 November 2019
Inminds, 1st November 2019
Heba Labadi's lawyer last visited Heba on the morning of 1st November 2019, at Israel's notorious dungeon at al Jalame. She was only permitted a mere 10 minutes with Heba.
Heba's medical condition is deteriorating rapidly. Her heart rate is uncontrollably high, this is very dangerous when one considers her heart muscles are very weak since her body, after 37 days without food, has run out of energy and is basically eating her muscles and organs to produce energy for survival. Heba's white blood cell count is abnormally low making her susceptible to infections in her frail condition. Her body is covered in black spots where the capillary beds have burst leaking blood under her skin. Her potassium level is dangerously very low, again the muscle cells of the heart, and nerve cells are particularly vulnerable to drops in potassium levels. Heba has now lost over 15 kg in weight, which is very significant for such a petite person. She is barely able to speak and she struggles to move - all her movements are in slow motion. She cannot even swallow water.
After the lawyers visit, Heba was moved from her tiny damp underground cockroach infested isolation cell at Al Jalame to the Ramleh Prison medical centre. Al Jalame is near Haifa, near Bnai Zion Hospital where she was previously admitted, and then dragged out of against the advice of the civilian doctors. But instead of returning her to Bnai Zion she has now been transferred a considerable distance to Ramleh Prison medical centre which is near Tel Aviv.
Ramleh medical centre has no civilian doctors, it is an integral part of Israel's oppressive prison system which institutionally abuses Palestinian prisoners. There is no distinction between the doctors and the torturers, and often the doctors participate in the torture as in the case of tortured to death Palestinian father Arafat Jaradat. The torturer in his defence blamed the doctor for having OK'ed the final round of torture that Arafat's frail body after 5 days of intense torture could no longer take, resulting in his death. Prison doctors lied that Arafat has died of a heart attack but the autopsy, carried out outside the prison at the National Israeli Forensic Medicine Center, showed no sign of heart failure or any other illness, but revealed broken bones and found his whole body was covered in "strong and excessive bruising".. "under the skin inside the muscle and along the spine at the bottom of the neck deep inside the tissue". The autopsy determined the cause of death : "nervous shock as a result of extreme pain from the intensity of the injuries, which resulted from multiple direct and extensive acts of torture". The Ramleh medical centre bears no resemblance to a medical facility, it has been dubbed "the slaughter house" by the prisoners who have had the misfortune to be admitted there.
The ICRC continues to be derelict in its duty to Heba Labadi. The ICRC has not visited Heba Labadi since 18th October despite promising to revisit her the next week. The ICRC has also failed to secure family visits for Heba which is her right under the Geneva Conventions which Israel is a signatory to. Heba's mother has not been allowed to see Heba since her arrest two and a half months ago, on 20th August 2019. She has not even been granted one phone call to her daughter.
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