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[Boycott - Other News] Alert - Protest Outside Parliament in Solidarity with Imprisoned Palestinian MPs and Hunger Strikers
inminds 4 December 2012 In the mass arrests that followed the attack on Gaza in November, Israel abducted 6 more Palestinian MPs. Join us on Friday 7th December at 2pm outside Parliament to protest in solidarity with all imprisoned Palestinian MPs and Ministers.
Targeting Palestinian lawmakers
Israel has always targeted Palestinian democracy understanding that the Palestinian people, unlike their installed stooges, will never capitulate to the occupation of their land and demand their right of return. So when Hamas won the elections in 2006 with 70 MPs in the 132 seat parliament, Israel reacted with mass arrests and imprisonment of Palestinian MPs. As recently as 2009 nearly a third of the Palestinian Parliament was languishing in Israeli prisons and today there are still around 17 imprisoned Palestinian MPs and Minister and Israel is busy abducting more.
Hunger Strikers: Ayman Sharawna & Samer Al-Issawi
We will also be protesting in solidarity with Palestinian hunger strikers. On 7th December Ayman Sharawna will be on his 161st day without food whilst Samer Al-Issawi will be on his 130th days of hunger strike. Their health is seriously deteriorating with their condition being close to death.
Human Rights Defender Ayman Nasser
On Friday we will also be demanding the immediate release of Ayman Nasser, a human rights defender working for Addameer the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. Father of four, Ayman Nasser was abducted from his home on 15th October when Israeli soldiers raided his home with dogs. He is still being interrogated at the notorious Moskobiyyeh detention centre infamous for torture. He has not been charged with anything other than defending the rights of Palestinian prisoners.
Live updates during protest
We will, inshAllah, be tweeting live from the protest with live photos being uploaded to our facebook page. So if you can't join us on the day, please help us by sharing the photos as they get uploaded.
* we would especially like to thank the Ahrar Center for the Study of prisoners and human rights in Palestine ( for their assistance in researching for this protest.
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