Immediately after the Imam's ascension, his son, in a letter that was
printed in the newspapers, asked the Judiciary Power to investigate the
assets of the Imam again in accordance with the Constitutional law.
The result of the investigation was published in a statement dated July
2 1989 by the Supreme Court. This statement revealed that during the lapse
of time, not only nothing had been added to the Imam's assets, rather,
a land lot that was inherited from his father was given to the indigent
people of the place during his life and by his order.
The only immovable asset of Imam Khomeini is his old house in Qum, which,
since his deportation in 1964, it has actually been and is available to
the objectives of the Movement and used as a centre for gatherings by student-clergies
and public referrals and it actually lacks the appelation of personal property.
The said list of assets which was prepared in 1979 and at the time of the
Imam's ascension, after lawful control, revealed no addition, but reduction.
It was mentioned that the deceased had no personal assets except some
books. The few rudimentary utensils necessary for simple living that was
in the house, belonged to his wife. The two second hand rugs were not personal
property and ought to go to the needy Seyyeds. Personal cash was zero;
if any thing there was, it was religeous alms belonging to the people left
with the Reference Authority for religious expenses, and the heirs could
not touch such funds. And so the remaining assets of a man who had spent
about 90 years of his life in utter popularity, included eye-glasses, finger-nail
clippers, beads, the Qur'an, prayer-mat, turban, clergymen's clothes and
some religeous books.
Those were the list of all the assets of a man who not only was the
leader of an oil-rich country with tens of millions of population, rather,
he ruled over the hearts of many more millions, the people who, when he
issued mobilization order, lined up as candidates for martyrdom. These
were the people who, upon hearing of the Imam's heart illness lined up
at the hospital entrance ready to offer their hearts to him. The secret
of so much popularity may be searched for, only in his faith, asceticism
and truthfulness.
Source: The Narrative of Awakening, Hamid Ansari(p251-253) |