in taboo on criticism of
Israeli policies
IRNA / Iran Daily
4 July 2002
Daily lauds break in taboo on criticism of Israeli
Tehran, July 4, -- `Iran Daily' on Thursday said that
up until recently criticism on the repressive Israeli policies against
Palestinians has been taboo.
"Very few western politicians and personalities were free
to express impartial, honest and true opinions on the Palestinian
crisis," it said.
"This might explain why the European Union has put several
Palestinian resistance groups on its terrorist list and is quick
to denounce Palestinian suicide attacks, but is shy of words to
condemn Israeli atrocities," it added.
However, thanks to a better informed global community brought about
by access to modern public information sources such as the Internet
and satellite TV, an increasing number of politicians and people
of influence in the west are beginning to "openly cross the
red lines," the daily said.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife, Cherie, recently expressed
sympathy for the Palestinians and their legitimate struggle against
the foreign military occupation.
At the launch of a charity appeal in London dubbed `Medical Aid
for Palestinians,' she was asked to comment on one of those fatal
bomb blasts which hit Al-Qods recently.
"As long as young people feel they have got no hope but to
blow themselves up, you are never going to make progress,"
was the prime minister's wife's answer, pointed out the daily, without
emphasizing the fact that the response was readily made an issue
by the British media as a statement of support for the Palestinians.
It cited similar comments by a German opposition leader, Jergen
Moellemann, in support of the Palestinians: "Whoever occupies
the lands of other people, should not be surprised if the others
defend themselves."
Moellemann, among the few German politicians who dare to criticize
Israel's lawlessness which is fanning violence in the volatile occupied
territories, is the deputy chairmn of the opposition liberal Free
Democratic Party (FDP) in Germany.
Moreover, a Palestinian flag was hanged by Gretta Duisenberg, wife
of the European Central Bank President, from her window in Amsterdam
to protest "the suffering of the Palestinians in the Jenin
refugee camp," the daily further pointed out.
It also referred to an interview published in the British tabloid,
the Guardian, with CNN founder Ted Turner who said that "the
Israel army is engaged in terrorism against the Palestinians that
can be compared to the Palestinian suicide bombings against Israeli
However, notwithstanding the positive development in western political
circles, Israeli atrocities and violations of human rights as well
as pressure on western governments continue, it pointed out. Likewise,
the pressure on the western media not to present factual and unbiased
reporting about Israel and its brutal agenda continues, it added.
However, all such deception will eventually end as "you can
fool some of the people all the time, all the people some of the
time, but not all the people all of the time," concluded the
Perspective column.